Thursday, 23 February 2012

The Tasmanian Devil’s guide to conflict resolution

After having considered the problems I have with how I approach a conflict, I have come up with a set of conflict resolution tips for all those people who turn into ­­­­Tasmanian Devil when faced with a high stakes situation who want to learn how to deal with these situations in a rational way. They aren’t difficult but have proven for me to actively help in my own personal conflicts.

Do you really want to be like this little fella?

So when a conflict arises, consider:
1.       Taking a step back. Before jumping straight into an argument consider your response. Does the outcome call for you to become angry in order to be able to resolve it? Don’t be too hasty to blurt out your initial responses to what you don’t like the sound of; the reaction you are likely to get will be non-responsive.

2.       Staying calm. There is no need to raise your voice. By staying calm you are preventing the situation from becoming more tense and therefore are more likely to come out with a positive response and it will be easier to resolve.

3.       Listening to the other person before interrupting them. It is important in a conflict that everyone has their say, otherwise this is where you will begin to clash. If you let them have their say then chances are they will let you have yours.

4.       Not seeing them as the opposition. Whether it is a colleague, peer or friend, if a conflict arises then chances are it’s with someone you already know, don’t make them an enemy. Remember, you’re on the same team.

5.       Being open to suggestions. Negotiations and compromise are important factors in being able to resolve a conflict. Don’t be judgemental and consider that you may actually be able to come to a better solution when compromising on each other’s opinions.

I know you’re probably thinking ‘what does she know?’ after I previously posted on how bad I am with dealing with conflict rationally. But I have tried and tested these tips and have found them to really work for me. Try them out and let me know how they work for you.

Also feel free to comment on what you think about these tips, do you have any of your own that you think are important in being able to rationally deal with conflicts?

Happy blogging x


  1. ive just seen this post after having commented on your previous one. youve made some really good points here, this is really good advice. although its not linked directly towards me as im not so much a devil but rather a shy little mouse. but still i think these can be generalised so they can relate to everyone. im really going to take them into account, maybe even use them at work and i'll keep you informed as to how i get on with using your tips. thanks for the advice chick.

  2. It seems as though we are really similar in the way we react to conflicts, I hate it when people try and start an arguement or conflict with me I end up going a bit mental. Some really good advice here though, I like the way you realise where you go wrong yourself as well as realising other peoples faults. Great post!

  3. Great post Ellen, the top 5 tips were really useful and I will look at them for future reference. Also love the picture of Taz :) I used to love those chocolate bars! :) x

  4. Thanks for the comments guys. Yes please let me know how things go Emma. I tried using these tips again a few weeks ago and ended up completely forgetting everything I had advised, so best advice I could give is just to try and take a step back before you go charging into things and consider how you want to overcome the situation. Also take a look at my newer posts, they give some good examples of when confrontations may occur when you least expect them x

  5. I really admire how you can be so critical of yourself when looking at conflict. It is a good skill to be able to understand why you are right, but also why you are wrong, which is why I think the advice you have given on conflict resolution is very valid and very beneficial. Agree with all your points. Good post!

  6. Hiya Ellen!

    This is a really great post, and I like the use of the character Taz!

    Your tips are very useful, and I believe they are definitely the right way to go about a conflict inflicted situation. I will take these into consideration when dealing with conflicts myself.

    Daisy xx
